Dupuytren’s disease
Dupuytren’s disease, Morbus Dupuytren or palmar fibromatosis, sometimes also called DD, Dupuytren’s contracture, or Viking disease, is a chronic disease that produces a benign thickening of the connective tissue, or fascia, of the palm and fingers. It usually begins with a small lump, called a nodule, in the palm or fingers that is often mistaken for a blister or callus. Eventually, string-like cords may develop beneath the skin and, if the condition progresses, the affected fingers are pulled towards the palm and cannot be straightened anymore. This condition is then known as Dupuytren’s contracture.
Dupuytren’s disease is one of a group of diseases which result in fibrosis or abnormal scar tissue. Dupuytren’s may run in families and is also associated with other related conditions that you can read about here. Although treatments and management strategies are available for this disease, there is currently no cure. The causes are still unknown.
Dupuytren’s is named after a French doctor, Baron Guillaume Dupuytren, who studied the condition in 1832.
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Our mission
- To promote health by leading the fight against Dupuytren’s disease (DD) in Canada by helping people with DD live a healthy and functional life while we work to find a cure.
- To promote health by finding the best available care and treatment for people suffering from DD and the related Ledderhose disease (LD).
- To advance education related to DD by providing latest services and educational material to the public.
- To promote health by encouraging the search for the underlying causes and subsequent cures for DD and LD.
The treatments of the disease
If your finger is curling into your palm, the amount of deformity will be measured to determine the severity of the condition. In mild cases, no treatment may be recommended in most cases because there’s a chance the condition won’t get any worse. Radiation therapy is sometimes considered to stop or slow down the process if applied in early nodular stages. If the condition is more severe, treatment with medication or a minor procedure called a needle fasciotomy may be recommended. In the most severe cases, surgery to correct the problem may be recommended.
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