Message from the President

The Canadian Dupuytren Society (CDS) has just wrapped up a defining year in its development. We have finished putting together a highly competent Medical Advisory Board to advise us on medical information that will be shared with patients and medical professionals.
The aim is to provide the most up-todate information on the disease, treatments and their availability. We are also very close to the long-awaited launch of the Society’s website, which will serve as a meeting point for patients and various specialists in the medical community. The network that is being built has allowed us to witness the emergence of a group of radiation oncologists from across Canada who have agreed to treat Dupuytren and Ledderhose disease.
We participated in preliminary discussions on research that has the potential to provide data on the prevalence in the population and to document disease progression among different communities and subgroups. Our hope is to compile data on the most promising treatments and help develop new, tailored public policy. None of these important steps could have been taken without the generosity of our donors. Nevertheless, much remains to be done. Some preliminary research conducted in the United States tends to point to earlier onset of the disease in the last decade, as well as growing prevalence. If this becomes a trend also in Canada, coupled with the aging of the population, the increase in the number of people affected could give rise to a public health issue. The availability and variety of treatments tailored to the different stages and gravity of the disease constitute a looming challenge.
Our plans for the coming year include establishing a sound and predictable funding structure, advertising the Society to inform patients and the medical community of our existence, and developing a medical leaflet for medical clinics. We thank you for playing such a key role in our development. The passion and dedication of patients, health professionals, administrators and donors have been a source of inspiration and have propelled us to action. We are proud to have helped make a difference in 2017.