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The Canadian Dupuytren Society is a Canadian charity founded in July 2015 as a patient organization supported by medical professionals. It was created by Canadian patients with Dupuytren’s disease.

Our Board of Directors and senior officers consist entirely of volunteers, many of whom are Dupuytren’s patients. Our Medical Advisory Board is a panel of volunteer physicians who act in an advisory capacity and who are very experienced in treating Dupuytren’s patients.

We are a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (Registration No.: 830527982 RR 0001).

Our activities

In order to achieve its mission, the Canadian Dupuytren Society is involved in the following activities:

  • Developing advocacy initiatives to promote prevention and support access for patients to a variety of treatments;
  • Raising public awareness of the social and personal implications of DD and LD;
  • Developing and maintaining a national website;
  • Collaborating with the International Dupuytren Society;
  • Supporting the development of national standards for DD and LD (clinical practice guidelines);
  • Educating people living with DD and LD, their family and their team of health care providers;
  • Making publications available for both health care professionals and the public.

We also provide information on related diseases such as Ledderhose disease, Peyronie’s disease, frozen shoulder as well as the specific benefits and drawbacks of available treatments to help people make informed choices.

Through our Medical Advisory Board, we want to encourage dialogue among medical specialists to gain a better understanding of the disease and its treatments, so as to help provide each patient with the best options.

Membership and funding

Our members are patients, physicians and individuals with a personal interest in DD.

Institutions and companies with a commercial interest in treating Dupuytren’s disease cannot become members of the Canada Dupuytren Society.

We are independent and are funded by donations.


What we don’t do
The Canada Dupuytren Society does not promote a specific treatment. Rather, we aim to provide objective information on evidence-based treatment options that allow the patient and the attending physician to jointly make an informed decision on which option is best for the specific situation.

The Canada Dupuytren Society cannot give medical advice to individual patients. Please consult your doctor/physician to decide on the best choices for your condition.



The Canada Dupuytren Society would like to thank all patients, medical professionals and everyone else who has supported our work by sending us comments and donations.